Sparkle Boat

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Still Honeymoonin'

Beautiful Smile
Originally uploaded by tiffybex.
Look at this smile. Isn't he dreamy? Sigh.

We're nearly 4 months married, and I do still feel like we're on our honeymoon. Sometimes I think if we told other people how we felt about each other, we'd make them throw up. 'Cause we're in wuv.

It's pretty cool, how he's my favorite person, and I married him, and now we get to spend our lives together.

People ask me all the time: So, how's married life? How is it being married?

I don't know what to say to them, and my answers might seem unenthusiastic, since I usually just say, "Good," or "It's great." But how do you answer questions like that? "Well, we're wearing out the bed!" No, probably not. Maybe I'll just stick with "Good," and keep everyone guessing.

Or, they could just read my blog.


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