Sparkle Boat

Monday, January 29, 2007

Everything that Freezes Must Converge

Icicles against sky
Originally uploaded by madame valentin.
OK, points if you get the reference in my post title. Otherwise, I don't have too much to say, other than that I like the way the angles in this photo play against each other.

This was taken during this January's ice storm. It was fun. We were housebound for days. Maybe we didn't need to be, but we were too chicken to even try to drive. In Austin, even rain can throw people for a loop.

When we ran out of regular food, we had to improvise, and after searching our pantry, came up with a damn fine Mexican lasagna, the recipe for which I will post later at my food blog, Miss Menu. Makes me kind of wish for more snow days in life.

Friday, January 26, 2007

He's gone mad!

He's gone mad!
Originally uploaded by madame valentin.
This is what licking the bowl will do to you.

Texas, the cookie

Texas, the cookie
Originally uploaded by madame valentin.
OK, so I obviously have been out of the blogging for a while. I don't know why. I think it could have been the holidays, and also a serious case of the blues. I always hate winter and the short days. But I'm ready to be back.

Here is a quick post along with a picture of some of what we did over our Christmas vacation.

They were pretty yummy. I got the recipe from Elise at Simply Recipes. This was my very first batch of sugar cookies ever, and so I had no idea how hard it would be to roll them out. But it was. I have never cursed something inanimate with such feeling. Well, maybe I have, but not in a while.

Anyway, my husband decorate these, and I thought they were cute. Yes, we're from Texas, which means nothing says Christmas like edible political subdivisions.