Sparkle Boat

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

When You Can Be Yourself

Me and Meredith!
Originally uploaded by tiffybex. know you are in the presence of a true friend. This picture was taken on a recent visit to Salem, Mass. to visit one of my very best friends. I think you can see that we had a good time, and that we are enjoying each other's company.

Jason and I have been reflecting on how few people you can truly let go in front of--the people who know you and aren't judging you, the people you love and would do anything for, the people who you extend your generosity to because you are moved to do it, and not because you are trying to impress anyone.

With Meredith, there is no pretense, no tension, just the happy harmony of two people who truly like each other. I've been to parties recently where it felt like everyone was trying to one-up everyone else--who's the funniest, the smartest, the most successful--and it's just so exhausting...and so pointless.

So here's to the Merediths of the world, and here's hoping that everyone is lucky enough to count a friend like her among their life's blessings.


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